I am Madeline Mann,

A human resources leader and career strategist who turns job seekers into Job shoppers.

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And, well, I've been in your shoes.

I have been:

Sometimes it even seemed like the corporate world decided to play a game of “How many ways can we crush Madeline’s spirit?”

Though, instead of letting those setbacks define me, I used them as a launchpad to catapult my career to new heights.


Since then, I have:

So, what’s my secret?

Becoming a “Job Shopper” – and I’m here to help you do the same.

I’ll show you how to flip the traditional job search on its head and have companies chasing after YOU with amazing opportunities.

I’ll show you how to:

And I have the recipes to back it up.

To the tune of THOUSANDS of success stories.

Just check out the thousands of comments on my YouTube videos, 5-star reviews of my courses, and countless video testimonials from clients.

I’m here to guide you every step of the way.

Get in, we’re going Job Shopping!

Want to get my help right now? (for free ✨)

I crafted a highly accurate quiz to understand what you need to do to land more job offers in YOUR specific situation

How do I know it’s accurate?

 Because of the hundreds of comments I’ve gotten like this:

Get your personalized job search plan now:

In just 3 days of sessions, I'll be giving in-depth training on how to attract top-tier opportunities, articulate your glory, and seal the deal with a job offer.

Free masterclass to land more offers!